Wintersemester 2016

Dear All,

Time flies… the new semester is only a couple of weeks away and Career services at Hochschule Karlruhe have just published the new program. So, for me time has come to begin looking forward to my next stay there, thinking of all the friends I have made over the years and hopefully will find time to meet up with so very very soon.

We will begin on October 10 with our intercultural training, focused on how you manage to land the perfect internship. We will find out about your cultures and all the beautiful strengths they provide you with, often so subconscious that you are not even aware of it, then will proceed to your very specific and personal strengths and sum it all up by putting together an application for a future employer and simulating an interview as your final exam.

Want to join? Want to get to know yourselves, discovering things about you you never even thought about so far on the way? Register with the career services! I am looking forward to getting to know you in October.

Get ready for the Job – Working with Global Players
Ich wünsche Ihnen allen einen guten Start in ein glückliches und friedvolles 2017!