Necessity is the mother of invention…

…so we got inventive.

Since I have no lecture room at our home, I turned to improvising and to craftswork 😉
My ironing board topped with a pile of comic books was made into a high desk, I taped the packaging paper I normaly use to copy sewing patterns onto, to the kitchen door and so upgraded it to a provisional Flip Chart.

Then we got started with the Labor Market class for Hochschule Karlsruhe.

I quickly came to realize that sitting in front of a computer staring at the screen for six hours in a row, at the same time being „superglued“ to a chair so that I don’t disappear from the camera, is much more exhausting than teaching a regular class.

So, already I am very proud of you who will stay with me for the whole course, which will, after all, last for a total of 30 hours.

turbulent times…. info for all my Hochschule Karlsruhe students
Thanks to all of you for making this online class a very unique experience